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谷歌申报无人汽车新专利 撞人时把人粘在车上_leyucom乐鱼官网


本文摘要:Google has patented a sticky coating for driverless cars that could reduce damage done to pedestrians in the event of a collision. People struck by the vehicle would become glued to its bonnet, rather than being thrown off and further injured.谷歌早已就在无人驾驶汽车加到粘性涂层取得专利,该涂层需要在撞到行人情况下增加对其的受损。

Google has patented a sticky coating for driverless cars that could reduce damage done to pedestrians in the event of a collision. People struck by the vehicle would become glued to its bonnet, rather than being thrown off and further injured.谷歌早已就在无人驾驶汽车加到粘性涂层取得专利,该涂层需要在撞到行人情况下增加对其的受损。被车辆碰撞的人将不会被硬在引擎盖上,而不是被甩出去,导致更进一步的伤势。One transport safety professor said the concept could reduce injuries sustained in a pedestrian collision. Google did not say whether it intended to implement the idea in its driverless vehicles.一位运输安全性教授回应,这个概念可以增加与行人撞击再次发生的受损。不过谷歌方面并没透漏否计划在无人驾驶汽车上实行这个点子。

It does have some merit to it, said Andrew Morris, Professor of Human Factors in Transport Safety at Loughborough University. When pedestrian accidents happen, often the person is thrown up onto the bonnet and there may be injuries from that contact, but sometimes there are not. But when a driver brakes in a collision, a totally natural reaction, the pedestrian is thrown onto the ground and you can get injuries from that contact.“这显然是有一定道理的,”拉夫堡大学运输安全性人为因素的教授安德鲁·莫里斯说。“当行人事故再次发生的时候,往往是行人被撞发动机罩上,这有可能造成损害,但有时也会。但是,当司机刹车的时候,这是一个几乎大自然的反应,行人不会被撞到飞回地上,这就不会导致相当严重的损害了。

”Googles patent explained that the adhesive layer would be hidden under a protective coating, to ensure it did not gather debris during journeys.谷歌的专利文件说明道,粘合剂层将被隐蔽在一个保护层下,以保证它的行程期间会挤满碎片。Upon the initial impact between the colliding object and the vehicle, the coating is broken, exposing the adhesive layer, the patent document said.专利文件描述道:“在撞击物体和车辆之间初始冲击时,涂层将碎裂,暴露出粘合剂层。”Prof Morris said it remained to be seen whether the idea would work in practice. Whether they could realistically make a car that has the right material in it and works reliably, we cant categorically say that, he told the BBC.莫里斯教授回应,该点子否不会在实际中运用仍尚待仔细观察。他拒绝接受BBC专访时回应:“能否贯彻地在车上涂抹适合的材料并让其可信地发挥作用,我们还无法下结论。

”Kevin Clinton, head of road safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, said: As well as developing new technology that prevents pedestrians from being hit in the first place, its also crucial to develop ways of reducing the severity of injuries suffered if a pedestrian is knocked over. This idea is a fascinating example of just how far vehicle technology is changing. It will obviously need to be developed and tested to ensure that it works reliably and doesnt cause any unintended consequences.事故防治皇家学会的道路安全性负责人凯文·克林顿回应:“除了研发新的技术以避免行人被撞到之外,增加被撞到后的损害程度也某种程度最重要。这一点子是汽车技术早已再次发生根本性转变的一个有意思例子。似乎我们必须研发和测试,以保证其可信地发挥作用,而会导致任何意想不到的后果。





